Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yesterday was really full, but really great. I worked from 8-5, during which my friend Laura interviewed for my job and we went to lunch together (I'm keeping her in my prayers for this one! I think she would be great and I am happy to hand off my job to someone I know really deserves it). After work, I raced over to the UST campus so I could finally get my student ID card, which will come into play later on. From there I was able to take a peek up into Ellie's new on-campus apartment (so cute!) and then head over to the St. Paul seminary so I could start my first day with the Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute. What a wonderful time! I was there from 6pm-9:30pm, but already I've met so many wonderful people and I think being involved with the CI will only help me figure out the more practical end of my time in the Catholic Studies masters program. After helping out with the CI, I ran over to the library to find a copy of a book which I ordered online (and paid for!) and never came (but I still have to do the reading by Wednesday nonetheless) and then drive the half hour home to Eden Prairie. It was about 10:30pm by the time I got home. I was tired. I was worn out. I was happy. I am so excited to be doing something once again that is in the interest of my own personal and professional growth. Here's to this academic year to continuing in the way it has started; full of blessings and unimaginable plans for me!

1 comment:

Scott said...

:) I'm glad you're happy