Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Importance of Being Busy

So, I know that I have been neglecting my blog for the last couple months (I even started a post about how busy I am, and never got around to finishing it!), but I figured before round 2 of papers is in full swing starting this weekend, I could take a few minutes to give an update on what’s going on with me.

Taking care of two adorable yet tiring 4-year-old twins has definitely helped me in a lot of ways as I look forward to being married in about 7 1/2 months.  I am learning a lot about the needs of children and how to act with them.  Also, just figuring out the logistics of daily life with kids is very interesting.

Classes have been good, though I get overwhelmed at times.  Being a full time student and working nearly full time (not to mention planning a wedding) has lead to several emotional break downs over the past few weeks/months, but I think I am finally getting things into perspective.  Getting a masters degree is to further my own knowledge and ability for my own work in life.  It’s difficult to see how this is going to make things better now, but I am thinking about trying to do a teaching certificate program starting next year, which could make a goal and outcome more real.

Probably the most practical thing I am doing is my work at the Catechetical Institute.  I like how I am able to see an educational institute at work and being in close contact with some really knowledgeable speakers/writers/teachers in my field.  I am praying that my role with the Institute continues to grow through next year and hopefully beyond. :)

Wedding planning has been a joy and a burden.  I love figuring out what the big day is going to be (and of course being treated like a princess by all the vendors and stuff), but I hate when it becomes something that is just an extra thing on my plate that I don’t really have time for.  I was able to get a better perspective on this during this past weekend when Scott and I (finally) got some engagement photos taken.  The photographer was SO much fun, and I am really excited to see how they turn out.  It was a little bit of an adventure to get there, and taking the photos were super fun (it was kind of hilarious, we were in a super small town south of the Twin Cities, and it was like we were movie stars or something the way that the passer-bys would gawk at us!  I kind of liked how mysterious it all was to them).  I will definitely post a few when we get the proofs!

So, bottom line, I am really busy, to the point that it is difficult to keep up with everything, but I am happy that it is all there.  And honestly, I would rather be more busy than not.

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