Saturday, March 21, 2009


This is more than a disgrace. This may be a permanent rift between Notre Dame and faithful Catholics, even those of us who love thee Notre Dame. If you agree, please visit this site:

This is copy and pasted from an e-mail my boyfriend sent, which I think sums up the issue we have with it pretty well...

"Newsflash: Barack Obama will be the commencement speaker AND will receive an honorary award at Notre Dame!

Yes, you heard me right. The most prestigious US Catholic university will be hosting and awarding Barack Obama:

The same Obama who overturned the Mexico City policy, releasing millions in funding to abortion groups worldwide while our country suffers economically.
The same Obama who chose people like porn lawyer David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General and abortion champion Kathlene Sebellius as head of Health and Human Services.
The same Obama who is considering overturning protections on the physician's right of conscience to not perform abortions without being discriminated against in the workplace.
The same Obama who vowed to sign FOCA, the most extreme pro-abortion legislation ever presented which would overturn all state laws on the issue, in addition to many other awful things.
The same Obama who forced funding of destructive embryonic stem cell research and removed funding for the much more promising and less ethically objectionable adult stem cell research.
The same Obama who supported an unlimited right to abortion at the latest UN meeting.
The same Obama described by many as the most pro-abortion president in history.

In 2004, the United States of Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a policy statement called "Catholics in Political Life," which says, with reference to pro-abortion politicians, "They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."

Regardless if you voted for him, if you have been following closely, I'm sure you might be feeling some "buyer's remorse" after some of these decisions he made. Perhaps you believed him when he said that he would work to reduce the numbers of abortions. As you can see, so far he has done nothing of the sort. And even if you approve of his presidency in other decisions, do choices like those above warrant an honor from a Catholic university?

I feel sick to my stomach. Betrayed by my own Alma mater. I can't imagine how the Virgin Mary feels, as she often weeps for the plight of these little ones. The betrayal of hosting Obama under the shadow of Mary on the golden dome, at her own special university, must be more than she can bear.

If you are an alumni, I urge you to contact the university and voice your disgust."

Notre Dame, Our Mother, pray for us.


Clare said...

Obama is not PRO-ABORTION. He is PRO-CHOICE. There is huge difference. He hates abortions, but believes that they need to be legal. Case in point: the 9 yr old Brazilian girl raped by her step-father.
I'm sure Mary does weep for the little ones, but who the hell weeps for the women?
I think the Church has been making an absolute mockery of itself lately, excommunicating victims and claiming that condoms spread AIDS.

THAT is the disgrace.
I'll write to the Vatican to voice my disgust, but I applaud Notre Dame.

Sarah said...

There is nothing Obama has done so far to make me believe that he is anything but pro-abortion. He has done everything he can within his first 2 months (even 2 days) in office to overturn every pro-life victory of the past 8 years. You should take a look at the White House's website and the recent changes in the Agenda Section on Women. EVERYTHING includes getting more abortions available across the board and the gov (read: taxpayers) paying for them.

WHEN does TAKING ANOTHER HUMAN LIFE because it is "inconvenient" ever constitute legal protection and funding? This is the filth that our president has thrown this country into. I'm sorry that you no longer see it this way.

I weep for the women, Clare, whose lives Obama will ruin by allowing and paying for abortions to be done freely and without restraint in this country. I weep for the baby girls (and boys) who will never have the opportunity to make our world a brighter place because they were torn from their mothers wombs. I and millions others (many Catholics :0!!) will weep for them Clare. What will you do?

The Church stands by everything it has stood by for 2000 years. You may want to get the record straight--the Church did NOT excommunicate the 9-year-old girl. The two doctors and mother who have publicly said that they do not repent for their actions and they would do it again are excommunicated. They excommunicated themselves by distancing themselves publicly from the Church and her teachings. Also, educate yourself about the issue of condoms and the spread of AIDS before spewing your disgust. This is a good place to start:

Notre Dame is a Catholic institution. Bottom line, I am horrified that they would invite the most pro-abortion rights president in the history of the US. In terms of Catholic culture in the US, he has done nothing but tear it down from the moment he stepped into office. He deserves no honor from Our Lady's University. Notre Dame has shamed itself by extending an open hand to him.

Clare said...

Are you seriously citing as an unbiased, scientific source about condoms and AIDS? Look anywhere else. Condoms do help. Are they perfect, no. Do people use them wrong, yes. The Pope clearly cares about protecting religious canon, not about saving lives.

I'm spewing disgust.
You're spewing dogma. You should start thinking and stop regurgitating.

What am I going to do about abortions? I'm going to hope that everyone has the right to choose for themselves. What are we if we don't have that? Then, I'm going to go have lots of married sex on birth control and if I get pregnant, probably have the baby. But I sure as hell want the CHOICE to be able to decide for myself if I will or not. If you want someone deciding for you, fine.

I'm glad Obama has done what he's done. And I'm sorry you can't see past the books to reality.

I'm sick of the Church putting itself above the lives of real people. In fact, I think the Church is something of an absurd institution at this point.

I want CONVERSATION, not edicts.

Clare said...

And, additionally. I spoke wrongly, the girl was not excommunicated. BUT the Church did indeed excommunicate her mother and doctors. If protecting the life an innocent 80-pound girl who would likely die as a result of the pregnancy, if that is "distancing themselves publicly from the Church and her teachings," then the Church is a joke. Maybe it's a better world excommunicated.

Anonymous said...

Is a Harvard professor of AIDS research's post in the Washington Post unbiased enough for you?
And please actually READ this article instead of spouting off liberal dogma. The Pope is right. Condoms alone haven't been preventing AIDS in Africa.
Let's stick to the facts and the issue instead of spewing hate speech against Catholics and the Pope.
-Scott Deeney

Sarah said...

You get the choice to have a baby or not when you choose to have sex, dear. Once the deed is done, you work with it. If you choose an abortion, you choose to murder another person-- it is as simple as that.

Clare, I am offended that you suggest I haven't thought through the issues at hand. I would hope a friend of mine would never accuse me of such. I have weighed the sides, and understand where the truth lies. It is because of people like you who choose blindness that I am as passionate about this as I am.